I received my Bachelor in Computer Science in 2011 and my Masters degree in 2013, both at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Leiden University. In 2012, I founded a software company, Van Stein & Groentjes VOF, together with Tom Groentjes, which turned into a B.V. in 2014, with the hiring of our first employee. At the same time, I continued in academia by gaining my Ph.D. degree in 2018, doing a PostDoc in the CIMPLO project and currently I am an assistant professor in the Natural Computing group at LIACS. My research interests are focused on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in the context of optimization and time-series data with industrial applications such as predictive maintenance and schedule optimization. Next to research, I am active at the University as manager of the Applied Data Science Lab, member of the Institute Council, teacher of the bi-weekly Master Class and the Data Science course, su- pervisor of 5 Ph.D. students, several Bsc and Msc students per semester and as technical support for a number of computing clusters. My experience from my entrepreneurial and software development activities, to- gether with my research, collaborations, and management activities at LIACS, define who I am as a professional.


Work experience





Service and leadership