Explainable AI Research Group

The XAI (Explainable Artificial Intelligence) research group at LIACS, Leiden University focuses on making AI and Evolutionary Computing (EC) systems more understandable and interpretable. Led by Dr. Niki van Stein, the team delves into methods and techniques that allow for the explanation of AI decision-making processes, aiming to enhance transparency and trust in AI technologies. Their work spans various scientific domains and industry applications, such as predictive maintenance, the analysis of heuristic optimization algorithms and the development of novel explainable AI methods. This interdisciplinary effort involves collaboration with experts in machine learning, optimization, and domain-specific experts to develop explainable systems that are both effective and user-friendly.

Research projects:


eXplainable AI for Predictive Maintenance


Cross-Industry Predictive Maintenance Optimization Platform

People involved:

Qi Huang
Qi Huang
Sofoklis Kitharidis
Sofoklis Kitharidis
Bernd Wagner
Bernd Wagner
Christiaan Lamers
Christiaan Lamers
Fu-Xing Long
Fu-Xing Long
Kirill Antonov
Kirill Antonov
Roy de Winter
Roy de Winter
Alexander Zeiser
Alexander Zeiser